W. Todd Kaneko
One day it will be possible to see
things that are impossible
to see, like the living are unable
to see ghosts, like I am unable
to see how impossible the sky is
when my son points
at a streetlight and says
the moon, like heaven
can ever be tethered to the ground,
like a boy can refuse to look
at the world in front of him,
at the glimmer and grime hidden
by tricks of light. My father took me
to church once, asked me to kneel
in prayer and when I sat on my hands
he kneeled without me,
eyes squeezed shut like I was
not there with him, like he is no longer
here on earth, like I will no longer
be here on earth for my son, one day.
Ask me any question about faith—
the moon, I will say because
maybe there is something out there
watching us from the gloom
of space, like we can understand
how to live together in the dark.

W. Todd Kaneko is the author of the poetry books This Is How the Bone Sings and The Dead Wrestler Elegies. He is co-author with Amorak Huey of the poetry chapbook Slash/Slash and Poetry: A Writers’ Guide and Anthology. His poems have appeared in Poetry, Alaskan Quarterly Review, Massachusetts Review, The Normal School, Barrelhouse, Verse Daily, Poetry Daily, the American Academy of Poets Poem-A-Day, and elsewhere. A Kundiman Fellow, he lives with his family in Grand Rapids, Michigan where he teaches at Grand Valley State University.