Rennie Ament​
All My Urges Are Manufactured Urges
I’m here to obliterate
a bag attached to my ankle,
to dapple paper with defunct stone forts
full of bread-sized animals.
I can pick up this glove
dropped by a saltwhite bibledove
then somehow use it to regrass
a gas station’s small parking lot.
Someone ok should know I wear
a warmed cup over my lumpy body
to melt slightly. And
if the mountain hatches fire, I
won’t mount the moment, I’ll be
mother of hover hand.

Rennie (Renata) Ament's work has appeared in Colorado Review, Sixth Finch, Redivider, Yalobusha Review, minnesota review, The Journal, DIAGRAM and elsewhere. She earned a BA in English from Skidmore College and studied poetry at Hunter College, where she has taught creative writing. Winner of the 2018 Yellowwood Prize in Poetry and a nominee for both the Pushcart Prize and Best New Poets, she has received support from the Millay Colony, the Saltonstall Foundation, the New York State Summer Writers Institute, the Vermont Studio Center and the Center for Book Arts. She lives in New York City.