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Hannah Bonner


Linda Kasbian said she and the women 

did anything and everything for Charlie 


without refusal. 

They bit their wrists 


only occasionally

to remember


they were alive. 

Karen Carpenter sang


angels, dust, moonlight,

you – tremulous in the auditorium. 


Simone Weil sucked

the pus of lepers


to come 

closer to God. 


Everything I’ve archived exists

in the silver exhaustion of endings. 


The teeth so white in the photograph,

like pearls, plucked 


from a silk lined leatherette,

at the margins of language.

Hannah's Author Photo copy - Hannah Bonner.jpg


Hannah Bonner's poems have appeared, or are forthcoming, in Asheville Poetry Review, Pigeon Pages, Rattle, Schlag, So to Speak, The LaHave Review, The North Carolina Literary Review, The Pinch Journal, The Vassar Review, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, TriQuarterly, and Two Peach. Her essays have been featured in Bright Wall/Dark Room, Bustle, Essay Daily, The Rumpus, The Little Patuxent Review, and VIDA. She is a creative nonfiction MFA candidate at The University of Iowa.


Bear Review



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