Brian Henry
Silent Treatment
Upon opening my face
I found another face,
even falser than the first.
What little light there was
could illuminate just a touch.
How to orchestrate a method
of moving through the world
with such a face, the one held
up as if watching that cloud
melt into the sky without
a sound or a sign or a trace.

Brian Henry is the author of eleven books of poetry, most recently Permanent State, as well as the prose book Things Are Completely Simple: Poetry and Translation. He co-edited the international magazine Verse from 1995 to 2018 and established the Tomaž Šalamun Prize in 2015. His translation of Aleš Šteger’s The Book of Things appeared from BOA Editions in 2010 and won the Best Translated Book Award. He also has translated Tomaž Šalamun’s Woods and Chalices, Aleš Debeljak’s Smugglers, and five other books by Šteger, most recently Burning Tongues: New and Selected Poems. His work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Paris Review, the New York Times, Poetry, The New Republic, American Poetry Review, The Yale Review, and many other places. His poetry and translations have received numerous honors, including two NEA fellowships, the Alice Fay di Castagnola Award, a Howard Foundation fellowship, the Carole Weinstein Poetry Prize, the Cecil B. Hemley Memorial Award, the George Bogin Memorial Award, and a Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences grant.