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Adam D. Weeks

The Young Believer on Bethany Beach

Here, the lap of waves, the chalky grit

of sand in my hands and under my feet.

Out there, light rippling over swirled fish

and those bubbles that eddy up from the deep


waters. I’m hungry for what else is there, what else there is

past those dunes and swash crabs—how many

eyes there might be, how many limbs

reaching—I want to name anything


like me. I’ve always imagined a saucer

coming from somewhere deep, salt crusted on heavy

reflective metal, slick light and water

running down the sides as it rises and flees


the scene like a criminal, a seafoam flash there and gone,

my fingers left alone against the night as if reaching towards dawn.

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Adam D. Weeks has a BA in Creative Writing from Salisbury University and is currently an elementary literacy tutor in Baltimore. He is the social media manager for The Shore, a poetry reader for Quarterly West, and a founding editor of Beaver Magazine. He won the 2022 Third Wednesday Poetry Contest, has been a Pushcart Prize nominee and has poetry published or forthcoming in Fugue, Poet Lore, Sugar House Review, Sweet: A Literary Confection, Sycamore Review, Thrush, and elsewhere.


Bear Review




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