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Monica Youn


then reborn 

again waking 


each hour 

without memory 


for the first 

time each time


the same room 

the same bed


strapped down

eyes opening


new without



opening wide 

then wider 


then struggling

to spit out


the tube 

in his mouth



Monica Youn is the author of Blackacre (forthcoming Graywolf Press 2016), Ignatz (Four Way Books 2010), which was a finalist for the National Book Award, and Barter (Graywolf Press 2003). Her poems have been widely published in journals and anthologies, including The New Republic, The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Poetry, and The Best American Poetry. She has been awarded the Wallace Stegner Fellowship at Stanford University and the Witter Bynner Fellowship of the Library of Congress as well as residencies from the Civitella Ranieri Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio, the MacDowell Colony, and the Corporation of Yaddo. She currently teaches poetry at Princeton University.


Bear Review



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