F. LaManna
A Sonnet to the Goddess Aeternitas Chubby chaussures froufrous en colere
Just a glance would almost suffice to galvanize the pouring out of the salty juice
Came it a time where they need not know how to compel an action from hence
Pausing the idiom to fight along the ways of the meandering causeway was a chance
Eternity knew what bounds could hale from a splitting pair of shoes way too loose
Pushing along the motions were not a consequence for her to sail on over a fence
Who did that motion mention for the woman to counter argue the moment to prance
A democracy is far too wild a commonplace urgency for the animals to peter out
This defense cannot approach a momentous holler it flips onto a couch yes resting
Pushing the ideals with an accent and lisp not agreeable to flounder like a bear
The people will not know the ancient verve of the yelling teeming while hives shout
Aiming to control the fantasies of the chubby inside and out for a quiet sure testing
Completely felt the tortuous plunging angry red pathological only white blank chair
Fred LaManna is a freelance poet living in Chicago. During the day, he works and functions as part of the real world. At night, he works and functions at creating sonnets. This sonnet is part of a 42 Goddess Sonnet Cycle inspired by the Illuminations of Rimbaud. A number of these sonnets have been published recently in Baby Lawn Literature, Pink Litter, and Icarus Down Review. He is currently at work on writing a modern version of the 154 Shakespeare Sonnets.