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Adam Clay

Elegy For What's Split Into Four Parts

Why one day in the future

When right now

You can imagine a painting 

In reverse, the careful movement


Of color stitched slowly away

To white? In any beginning

We shouldn’t take issue

With what’s to come unless


Of course we want the mind

To derail into a place free

Of worry, a shallow

Body of water at first, 


But deepening eventually

Into an expansive reach

Toward an island of rock 

Occupied only by a lighthouse


Emptied out years ago but back

On the sand looking out toward

The light, your body overcome 

By the urgency to drift off 


While standing up, the waves 

Too slow to carry anything away, 

Too slow for any northern light

To find its way to the bottom.



Adam Clay is the author of Stranger (Milkweed Editions, 2016). He teaches at the University of Illinois Springfield.


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