CS Carrier
The White River of December
The White River of tons of dead fish
The White River of branches of ammonia
The White River of thiram & lead bromate
The White River of known carcinogens
Flowing across stolen lands
Bleaching the stones between worlds
The White River a sludge of dreams
The White River a legacy of head lamps
The White River a deadness of names
The White River a reminder of blush
A mesh of drowning, of throes
Flowing through the city of Indiana
Along the amphitheater, behind the legislature
Scorching the mouths of mouths
The White River enshrouded
With cigarette butts & Round-Up, paint & brake dust
The White River inscribed
By a century of easements, retrospect not prospect
The White River that sheens kayaks, duck decoys
The White River that lusters the heron’s legs
The White River that glistens the carps’ eyelids
The White River that meanders its zombie gait
Through what passes for care
C.S. Carrier (he/him) is the author of After Dayton and Mantle. His poem, "The Natural State," won the third annual Omnidawn Broadside Contest in 2018. Other poems have appeared in Sprung Formal, The Indianapolis Review, and Denver Quarterly. He earned an MFA from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a PhD from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. From 2019-2021, he was the drummer for the Arkansas band Thisness. Currently, he lives in Indiana and works as a Staff Advisor in the Shaheen College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Indianapolis.